As a mom of a child with challenges I have found myself wanting to slap a bitch luckily only twice since the 18 years raising him.
The first time I wanted to slap a bitch was when I was at my kid's elementary school and at the time I suspected for years he had autism but I was becoming more and more confident in saying so. I told this woman with this demeanor and attitude that already wasn't "welcoming". She asked "why are you here" or something like that. When I stated "I think my kid has autism". She was like "He looks people in the eye, he doesn't have autism". To be immediately dismissed I think is what really pissed me off the most.
“It was the know-it-all behavior that really angered me.”
The second time I wanted to slap a bitch was when I was trying to address my teen's depression with a mental health person and she kept implying he doesn't have autism. Which made me go on the defense. I even started to mention the first event mentioned here and how triggering she was being. At the end we both agreed we didn't need to see each other again.
Final thought
It was the know-it-all behavior that really angered me. Many moms that have kids with unique challenges would understand the constant undermining I am describing. I think back and wonder in what scenario would end in a better outcome. Me not feeling like doing bodily harm to someone, just doing their job or giving their opinion just made me so pissed off at them. Was it race or was it something else. Their approach was the issue. Similar to all the other stuck up assholes I have dealt with. I have come across black and other people of color with the same stuck up attitude. Maybe I am more tolerable. It still gets under my skin. I wish I could start a saying "Stop being so white". If that is a thing already lets use it more often. I need whiteness the be shamed more often. If we suddenly believe Black Lives Matter then stop being such a "karen" stop being "dismissive" "belittling" "stuck up" "chauvinistic" (for my white male assholes) "cunt".